

All cadets are expected to attend each regular training parade on Monday evenings. Cadets are permitted to be absent from three parades before being counselled for non-attendance.

Attendance is also mandatory for selected extra-curricular activities such as:

  • Tagging (Spring and Fall)
  • Other fund raising events
  • The Annual Inspection in May

Cadets who are unable to attend a regular parade (or other activity) are expected to notify their :

  • Call/Text your Team Leader
  • or in their absence, Call/Text your Flight Commander
  • A e-mail can also be sent to 151RCACS@GMAIL.COM (please includes cadet name and reason for absence).
  • or if you are unable to do the above, please leave a message at the Squadrons Phone Number 905-576-1511 (please ensure you leave the cadets name, team/flight and reason for absence) 


Cadets who intend to be absent for more than three parades should seek authorized leave from the Commanding Officer.


Cadets who arrive late for an activity, or parade, must report directly to the NCO in charge of the activity (or the SWO for regular parades).


Under exceptional circumstances, and only with parental consent, cadets may be authorized to leave an activity early. Permission must first be granted by the Officer in charge of the activity/regular parade.

Cadets who don’t maintain a Minimum 75% attendance record on Mandatory Parades without a valid excuse, may not be eligible for promotions, summer training courses, and other squadron based events (e.g. Year end Trip).