420 Wing Gliding

Gliding Award – 420 Wing RCAFA

Established 1995

The 420 (City of Oshawa) Wing RCAFA, of the Air Force Association of Canada present this award to the cadet who attains the highest standing of the Squadron’s cadets who have successfully completed the Air Cadet Leagues glider pilot training program.

2024WO2 Emma Di Loreto
2016Sgt M. Garriock
2015WO2 J. Shaw
2014FSgt D. Lloyd
2012F/Sgt C. Kelley
2011F/Sgt H. Whitney
2010Sgt A. Harvel
2009F/Sgt Keller
2008FSGT B. Hopson
FSGT D. Brosseau
2007FSGT L. Monster
2006FSGT C. Aytimur
2005FSGT B. Burns
2004FSGT M. Perkin
2003FSGT D. Ebisuzaki
2002FSGT T. Dawson
2001SGT A. Krasnay
2000SGT A. Shehata
1999FSGT V. Kovic
1998Flight Sergeant J. Nield
1997Sergeant J. Bridgewater
1996Sergeant Paul Murdoch
Corporal T. McKee
1995LAC K. Aguirre

(Power Trophy – discontinued 2000)
This trophy is presented annually to the cadet who has attained the highest score on the qualification examination for Power Scholarship

1999Warrant Officer 2nd Class M. Devera
1998Warrant Officer 2nd Class T. Devera
1997Warrant Officer 2nd Class P. Murdoch
1996Corporal S. Harris
1995Warrant Officer 2nd Class I. DeCarlo