W/C Chadburn Trophy

W/C Lloyd Chadburn Trophy

This trophy was created in 1996 at the request of the family of Wing Commander Chadburn. The Chadburn Trophy is presented to the cadet who, throughout their career, continuously demonstrated proficiency, drive and dedication. Wing Commander Chadburn  himself was not big on recognition, but felt that all of his men should receive the awards.

In its inaugural year, The Wing Commander Chadburn Trophy was presented by the son of Wing Commander Chadburn, Andrew Cockshot.

This trophy is dedicated to that ideal, and is presented, as candidates are available, to the cadet who gets the job done, without any thought of recognition or reward – just as their duty.

2024WO1 Chris Zhang
2013Warrant Officer Second Class T. Neill
2012Warrant Officer First Class M.C. White
2011Flight Sergeant M. Lysyk
2010Warrant Officer Second Class K. Schoenmaker
2009Warrant Officer First Class M. Jubenville
2008Warrant Officer Second Class D. Brosseau
2007Flight Sergeant C. Mitchell
2006Warrant Officer First Class S. Mastroianni
2005Warrant Officer First Class M. Perkin
2004Warrant Officer Second Class C. Weigel
2003Warrant Officer First Class A. Biffin
2002Warrant Officer First Class J. Wagstaffe
2001Warrant Officer First Class M. Miller
1998Warrant Officer Second Class T. Devera
1996Warrant Officer First Class G. Ogilvie